Saturday, November 14, 2015

Cultural Festival Dance

Hi all,

Just a reminder to be working on your cultural festival dances for next Saturday!

Here is a video for the hip hop group: 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Week 4 Homework 
Discovery Friday...
Successes, challenges and suggestions.
For most of you, Discovery Friday has been the highlight of your week. So for this week's homework, your assignment is to reflect upon the impact Discovery Friday has had on your learning, and how we could improve upon what we've been doing.

Think about what worked, what didn't and how you think it could be improved.

Make sure you talk about what you have learned on our Discovery Fridays e.g. how to do an inquiry/learning a new skill e.g. cooking/gardening/building/Garageband/coding etc.

Create a slide show using pictures from the Te Ako Kahikatea gallery to make your points.

You could use a PLUS MINUS INTERESTING grid to organise your thinking.

We look forward to hearing your views!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Homework Weeks 2 & 3 Term 4

Homework Weeks 2 & 3 Term 4

As part of our Global Connections Project, choose a country that you would like to learn more about.
Create a slide-show or poster about this country and include the following information:

  1. Population size.
  2. Main source of wealth (how the country earns money).
  3. Languages.
  4. What the country is famous for.
  5. Type of schools/education.
  6. Popular games/pastimes for children.
  7. Environmental issues the country faces.
  8. The biggest health issues the country faces.
  9. Children's health in that country.
  10. Types of public transport.
  11. Your choice of topic of interest.
  12. Compare and contrast New Zealand and this country on the above features.
  13. Based on this comparison, which country would you choose to live in and why?

Include lots of pictures.
NO COPYING & PASTING TEXT - your OWN words. Please include the url or titles of books you have used.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Homework Week 10/Holidays

Homework Week 10 / Holidays

One more week to go! Can you believe it?

Choir students - You performed brilliantly on Friday night. Congratulations everyone!

It has been a busy term with our ERO (Education Review Officers) visitors, 'Discovery Friday', Book parade and our trip to Birkenhead Leisure Centre.

Thank you for all your hard work this term and for being such awesome students. We look forward to Term 4 which will yet be another busy term, with our multicultural festival / market day and of course farewelling our Year 6 students. It will be an emotional term for them as they say goodbye to Newmarket and hello to a new chapter of their lives.

On Friday you all joined in to our global project - Flat connections via Edmodo and made comments. Well done everyone! It will be our concept for next term. Just imagine making connections with other students around the world. 

Your task this week and over the holidays is to get on Edmodo and start watching the feed of the flat connections. Remember be patient - as other students come on you can then start saying hello to them. You can also start to investigate an area that you might be interested in to do with Health and Well Being. It could be about pollution - Did you know that nearly 1/5 of pollution in Auckland city comes from traffic? Present it any way you like and put some links in as well.

Current Event - RUGBY WORLD CUP (RWC)
Choose any 2-3 to complete (or all four if you wish).

A. Quiz - Answer the following questions.

1. How often is the Rugby World Cup held?
2. Where is the RWC held this year?
3. When and where was the last RWC held?
4. How many countries are participating in the RWC this year?
5. Who won the last RWC?

B. Research

Research any other factual information about the Rugby World Cup - eg. its history, the cup itself etc... 
Remember to present your work neatly.

C.   -  A-Z
Fill in the gaps to make up sensible sentences. (Clue: The answers we are thinking of are in alphabetical order).

1.  The ball was kicked high in the  _________________.
2.  She tried to catch the ball  ..........................
3.  The  ....................... watched the game between the Chiefs and the Blues.
4.  He  ........................... to tackle the player with the ball.
5.  Players have to  ....................... lots of healthy food to be strong.
6.  Line-umpires carry  .......................... and they put them up when the ball goes out.
7.  The  ........................... was very green and slippery.
8.  The player was  ............................ up short of the line.
9.  The player got  ............................ when he hit his head on the ground.
10.  The player  ............................ up high to catch the ball.
11.  The player  ............................. the ball into the ground.
12.  The ball was thrown down the middle of the  ..............................
13.  Whenever you play rugby, you should wear a -----------------------
14.  The player's position on the field was  ............................... eight.
15.  The ball went  .............................. the posts.
16.  A try in rugby is worth five ...............................
17.  The winger was a very  ............................ runner.
18.  She  ............................ around all the players and scored a great try.
19.  His ............................ got ripped and he had to get new ones.
20.  The crowd stood and cheered for their  ..................................
21.  The long kick landed  ........................... the crossbar.
22.  The game ended in a  ........................... for all the All Blacks.
23.  The  ................................. went to start the game of rugby.
24.  You may need an  .................................. to see if your arm is broken.
25.  .............................. we played and today we will play it again.
26.  The halfback  ................................ through everyone to score a try.

D. - Flag
Choose a country that you support (or would like to support) playing in the RWC, draw their flag and colour it in with the correct colours.
  • Name the capital city of that country.
  • What is the approximate population?
  • What language do they speak?
  • What currency do they use?
  • If your country is not New Zealand, find two ways in which that country is similar to N.Z and two ways in which that country is different from N.Z.

  • Mufti week this week ($5).
  • School finishes this Friday (26th Sept.) at 2pm. No lunch orders that day.
  • Don't forget to read every night.
  • Don't forget to practise memorising your times tables and the strategies you have learnt over the year.


Have a safe and fun holiday Te Ako Kahikatea.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Week 8 - Homework

Three more weeks to go!

Keep working hard Kahikatea. We are all very proud of you!

Homework this week will be short and sweet.

A. Make sure you have completed your book review from last week. (Well done those who have finished).

B. Create a wanted poster of a character (of your choice).
Don't forget:
  • to name your character
  • describe your character
  • where was your character last seen
  • any reward if found.
You can use google draw to create your character or on an A3 paper if you wish (ask Mr J for an A3 paper). Present your work neatly.

  • Don't forget to read every night and discuss what you have read with your parents.
  • Practise and memorise your times tables / basic facts.
  • Wear mufti this Thursday for our trip.
  • Remember our values: - Respect, Kindness and Perseverance 

What are you dressing up as for the 'International Literacy Day' 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Week 7

We are already in week 7 - can you believe it!

We have had such an amazing term so far learning about Adaptation, working hard on our own inquiries and exploring how machines work... Check out these photos:

For homework this week:
Next week (Week 8) is an exciting week for Te Ako Kahikatea and Newmarket School.
Firstly - It's Literacy week! To celebrate this, we want you to write, film, draw, or create a slideshow to review your favourite book. Tell us what you enjoyed about it and why we should read it. Remember: Don't give too much of the story away!

On Thursday we have our long awaited trip to the Birkenhead Leisure Center where we are going to rough it in the outdoors and learn how to survive in the wild. Here are some things to remember for Thursday 10th September
- Be at school by 8.15am
- Wear Mufti - but remember, this isn't a fashion show. Wear something that is comfortable and that you don't mind getting a bit grubby
- No lunch orders!

Have a great week

- Te Ako Kahikatea Teachers

Monday, August 10, 2015

Homework Week 4/5

What a great start to the term Te Ako Kahikatea! 

Thank you for all your hard work so far and well done to those students who managed to complete the last two weeks homework.

You have two weeks to complete this homework so have fun and do your best.

Choose two of the following.


Create a set of Top Trump cards of extinct or endangered animals:

Think of categories of extinct animals ( eg. mammals, birds, fish, reptiles)

Use a template like this one or google one that you prefer.

Possible categories to think about:

  • Length of extinction
  • Reason for extinction
  • Unusual features and a category of your own choice (Adaptation etc...)

Create a world map showing areas of rapid extinction of animals.
List top 10 reasons of becomimg extinct.


Create a quiz for your class mates using google forms about animal/plant adaptation.

What ability do animals use to blend with their surroundings?

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Homework Weeks 2 and 3 - Term 3

Welcome back to yet another busy term. 

This term our focus will be adaptation and survival of animals, humans and plants.

The special characteristics that enable plants and animals to be successful in a particular environment are called adaptations

Complete the following activities in your Inquiry folder /Homework folder or in an exercise book. 

Activity A.

Which animals and plants are adapted to live in Antartica?  
Make a list of all the animals and plants (you know of that live in Antarctica) and write what adaptations do they have in order to survive the Antarctic conditions. 
What is the function (use/purpose) of their adaptations? 

Use a table to complete Activity A. 

Function (use)
eg. toad
eg. Camouflage
eg. ability to blend in with its surroundings.

Activity B.

1.    Draw an animal adapted to live in Antarctica, using labels to      explain the adaptations.

2.   Design your own unique animal or plant capable of living in Antarctic conditions. What adaptation/s would your animal/plant have?

3.  Humans live in Antarctica all year round. What adaptations would you need to live in Antarctica?

  • Don't forget to read a book every night (15-20mins).
  • Practise/Memorise your timetables to 12.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Earlier in the term, I gave you a mid-way point update on our MasterChef competition (part of Discovery Friday) - Can't remember? Click here to see it.

We wrapped up the competition in Week 11 of term 2... Here are some pictures of how things went down!

We are so proud of all of the students who got involved with MasterChef this term. It was a big commitment that required a lot of time, planning and preparation. Thank you to all who helped us make this in to such a successful event!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Parent Teacher Interview - Lets get prepared!

This year has been a little different! We spend time with each Te Ako Kahikatea teacher every day for different subjects. Which means... who do you see for your interview this year?

So! We're going to try something new.

  • You will still book in with your Homeroom teacher. 
  • Each class will have stations set up for core curriculum areas and some that relate to other major tasks from this year such as Discovery Friday and Concept.
  • For the first 10 minutes of your session, you will move between the classes to demonstrate your learning. For example: If you are in Miss Speir's math class, you go to the math station set up in room 5. If you are in Mr J's reading class, you'll then head to room 4 to demonstrate your learned reading skills.
  • During the initial 10 minutes of the session the three teachers will be in their rooms to answer any questions and give support as you share your learning.
  • The final 5 - 10 minutes of the interview are spent with your Homeroom teacher to discuss your report and any other questions relating to achievement or other aspects of school.
Mr J - Rm 4
Miss Speir - Rm 5
Ms H - Rm 6

This year you have truly been empowered in your learning through Discovery Friday, regular reflections, your upcoming inquiries and much more. We can't wait to see you share your learning!

Monday, June 22, 2015


Homework this week is all about INQUIRY

Your first task is to complete a survey about how you think the roads, streets and parks/play areas should be developed in Newmarket. This survey is from a former NPS student at a local intermediate who is doing this as part of her social action inquiry. Your responses will be sent to the Auckland City Council, so have your say. Even if you don't live in Newmarket, you come to school, and perhaps shop here, so this is about you too. Your voice counts!


The other part of your homework concerns your Discovery Friday inquiry. 
Talk to your family about the ideas you are considering. 
In Google Draw OR on paper, mind map your ideas.
Include pictures/diagrams/photos of the subject you are considering.
Do some research, and include links to this and key words about the topic
Include any questions you might have. The fatter and juicier, the better for your inquiry.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Homework Week 9


This week's homework is about that very special time of the year for Aotearoa...Matariki.

All New Zealanders need to know what Matariki is, and why it holds so much importance for Maori people. This week, choose at least THREE activities to complete to improve your understanding of the 'reason for the season'!

Here are some activities taken from the website.

Matariki: The Maori New Year

Refer to the material on Matariki available from Te Ara to help you complete these activities.
  1. In Maori what does Matariki mean?
  2. What are some of the explanations given for the origins of the cluster of stars associated with the Maori New Year?
  3. In traditional times what did Maori acknowledge with the arrival of Matariki?
  4. How did Matariki affect Maori farming?
  5. What role do kites (pakau) play in Maori celebrations of Matariki?
  6. Make a kite, decorated in the traditional way.

Matariki and your community

Many communities run festivals and events to celebrate Matariki. Find out what’s happening in your community. Local newspapers, information centres and libraries are good places to start.
Make a list of what is happening in YOUR area.

Storyboarding Matariki

There are a number of Maori legends associated with Matariki. Present one of these legends as an illustrated story. 
You can present this in Google Draw or Google Slides. Get creative!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Homework Week 8


This is the theme for this week's homework - in preparation for our upcoming leadership week.

TASK 1: Update your leadership passport, and show your parents what you have been doing. Remember to include any leadership roles you take OUTSIDE of school.
TASK 2: Select a leader who has made an impact on you.It could be someone: 
  • in your family
  • your friendship group
  • from a group you belong to
  • who is a world leader
  • from the past
Write a profile of this person saying:
  • what they have done
  • why they inspire you
TASK 3Choose a leader from the world of sport, science, the arts, politics etc.Now come up with three  FAT (how, why, which...) questions you would like to ask them if you had the chance.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Masterchef Update - What we've been up to.

What we have been doing so far in preparation for NPS MasterChef...

 Next week we will have an elimination. Out of the 15 teams, only 6 will go through to the NPS MasterChef competition at the end of the term.

Keep working on your cooking skills at home!