Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 4

Another great week down! With swimming in the mix, it has been another busy one. We appreciate the parent helpers we've had, as well as the majority of students remembering their togs every single day - WELL DONE!

This week we continue our swimming lessons with the time table running as follows:
Rm 4 
Monday/Wednesday - 9.30-10.00am 
Tuesday/Thursday - 11.30-12.00pm

Rm 5 
Monday/Wednesday - 10.00-10.30am 
Tuesday/Thursday - 12.00-12.30pm 

Rm 6 
Monday/Wednesday - 10.30-11.00am 
Tuesday/Thursday - 12.30-1.00pm

Here are some photos from our week:
Some snaps from swimming

Organising the ideas we came up with about junkfood 

Capture the flag!

We are learning how to use our devices responsibly. Last week we started our portfolios that we will be updating throughout the year.

Homework for week 4: While we collate some links for you to follow to practice your basic facts you can head to the following link:
If you are struggling to find something to read, try Reading Eggs: Log in to your reading eggs account at home and explore the Library. There are thousands of e-books available for you to read. Try and complete the quiz at the end of each chapter you read.
Concept: Think about 4 different types of junk food. Compare and contrast them in any way you can. For example: The amount of fat, sugar and carbohydrates in the food. Post your comparisons in the comments below, complete in your Google Drive under Inquiry or bring in to glue in to your concept books.

Have a wicked week!
- Te Ako Kahikatea Teachers

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

How to comment - Revised

Hello all,

Some of you have noticed that in the letter home explaining where to click to comment had an error in it. It seems that some computers and logins have a bit of a different layout to others!

In this image, you can see a '2 comments' down the bottom of the page. This will hyperlink you to the comments, and allow you to add one yourself. When there are no comments, this hyperlink will reflect that.

This is instead of the little pencil option you can see on the newsletter.
Hopefully this clears things up - Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries!

- Te Ako Kahikatea Teachers

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Week 3

Thank you ALL for such a wonderful start to the year. You showed us how ready you are to learn this year!
Here are some photos from our week:

Students are able to move through Te Ako Kahikatea's workspace to complete tasks
Te Ako Kahikatea Fitness

Using the new space and work areas

This week we start our swimming lessons Monday - Thursday for week 3 and 4. Please ensure you remember your togs and towel on each of these days. The timetable is as follows:

Rm 4 
Monday/Wednesday - 9.30-10.00am 
Tuesday/Thursday - 11.30-12.00pm

Rm 5 
Monday/Wednesday - 10.00-10.30am 
Tuesday/Thursday - 12.00-12.30pm 

Rm 6 
Monday/Wednesday - 10.30-11.00am 
Tuesday/Thursday - 12.30-1.00pm 

Each homeroom will leave the school around 30 minutes before each lesson to allow time for walking to the pools and getting changed and prepared for the lesson once arriving. We welcome any parents who would like to help us on the walk to or from the pools!

This week for homework, please continue practising your basic facts and reading. We ask that you continue to bring in food packaging for our investigation in to Junk Food. Talk to your family and friends about junk food - What do you know about it already? Have you seen any articles recently that you can bring in to share? Have some ideas ready for our concept sessions throughout the week.

Have another fantastic, productive week!

- Te Ako Kahikatea Teachers

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Welcome Back!

Wow - What a long, sunny and relaxing holiday! We in Te Ako Kahikatea are so happy to be back at school and are ready for an exciting, action packed year in 2015.

This year there are 3 teachers in Te Ako Kahikatea: Mr J, Ms H and Miss Speir. Things are working a little differently this year, so this blog is here for you to check in on any news, updates, homework or student work. Here are a few housekeeping rules before we start:

Homework: Homework will be put on the blog every Monday, and is able to be completed at any point during the week. It is expected that each student is reading for at least 20 minutes each night, as well as completing some kind of basic facts practice either online through selected websites or by hand in a workbook. The additional task we ask you to complete will always relate to what is going on in the class, which you are able to complete in any way that suits you. 

Updates: Throughout the term the teachers of Te Ako Kahikatea will select student work and tasks to be uploaded to the blog. Students are welcome to submit work to be posted to the blog!

Comments: Parents, students and others from the school community are encouraged to comment on the blog with any queries they may have about posts, or feedback about student work. All comments get moderated by the teachers and no anonymous posts or comments will be accepted.

Our inquiry focus this term is 'Does Junk Food Kill?". To get us started, we are going to start having a look at what is in our food. For your homework this week please bring in as many empty, clean food or drink packets/containers for us to analyse. 

Have a great first week of term!

Miss Speir, Mr J and Ms H