Saturday, July 25, 2015

Homework Weeks 2 and 3 - Term 3

Welcome back to yet another busy term. 

This term our focus will be adaptation and survival of animals, humans and plants.

The special characteristics that enable plants and animals to be successful in a particular environment are called adaptations

Complete the following activities in your Inquiry folder /Homework folder or in an exercise book. 

Activity A.

Which animals and plants are adapted to live in Antartica?  
Make a list of all the animals and plants (you know of that live in Antarctica) and write what adaptations do they have in order to survive the Antarctic conditions. 
What is the function (use/purpose) of their adaptations? 

Use a table to complete Activity A. 

Function (use)
eg. toad
eg. Camouflage
eg. ability to blend in with its surroundings.

Activity B.

1.    Draw an animal adapted to live in Antarctica, using labels to      explain the adaptations.

2.   Design your own unique animal or plant capable of living in Antarctic conditions. What adaptation/s would your animal/plant have?

3.  Humans live in Antarctica all year round. What adaptations would you need to live in Antarctica?

  • Don't forget to read a book every night (15-20mins).
  • Practise/Memorise your timetables to 12.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Earlier in the term, I gave you a mid-way point update on our MasterChef competition (part of Discovery Friday) - Can't remember? Click here to see it.

We wrapped up the competition in Week 11 of term 2... Here are some pictures of how things went down!

We are so proud of all of the students who got involved with MasterChef this term. It was a big commitment that required a lot of time, planning and preparation. Thank you to all who helped us make this in to such a successful event!