Homework Due Friday Week 5 2016 
Our focus for this term is SYSTEMS.
If you think about it, systems are EVERYWHERE!
With your family, talk about what a system is. Then make a list of the systems you have in your household which make everything run smoothly e.g. a list of chores that need doing regularly.
Who decided on the systems?
Who makes sure the systems run properly?
What happens when the system breaks down or doesn't work?
Why is it important to have systems in a family?
Talk to your friends and compare the systems in your family with theirs. What are the DIFFERENCES and SIMILARITIES?
Why do you think there are similarities?
What about the differences?
Present your research in a doc or slide and save it to your INQUIRY folder in Hapara. You can also present it NEATLY on a piece of paper.
Remember to read for 20 minutes per night (it REALLY makes a huge difference to your progress in reading.)
Basic facts and tables should be practised too - remember your goals from your report last year!