Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 4

Another great week down! With swimming in the mix, it has been another busy one. We appreciate the parent helpers we've had, as well as the majority of students remembering their togs every single day - WELL DONE!

This week we continue our swimming lessons with the time table running as follows:
Rm 4 
Monday/Wednesday - 9.30-10.00am 
Tuesday/Thursday - 11.30-12.00pm

Rm 5 
Monday/Wednesday - 10.00-10.30am 
Tuesday/Thursday - 12.00-12.30pm 

Rm 6 
Monday/Wednesday - 10.30-11.00am 
Tuesday/Thursday - 12.30-1.00pm

Here are some photos from our week:
Some snaps from swimming

Organising the ideas we came up with about junkfood 

Capture the flag!

We are learning how to use our devices responsibly. Last week we started our portfolios that we will be updating throughout the year.

Homework for week 4: While we collate some links for you to follow to practice your basic facts you can head to the following link:
If you are struggling to find something to read, try Reading Eggs: Log in to your reading eggs account at home and explore the Library. There are thousands of e-books available for you to read. Try and complete the quiz at the end of each chapter you read.
Concept: Think about 4 different types of junk food. Compare and contrast them in any way you can. For example: The amount of fat, sugar and carbohydrates in the food. Post your comparisons in the comments below, complete in your Google Drive under Inquiry or bring in to glue in to your concept books.

Have a wicked week!
- Te Ako Kahikatea Teachers

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