Monday, April 20, 2015

Welcome back!

Homework Week 1 Term 2

Our focus for the first few weeks of term is ANZAC. 

This year is the centenary of one the cruelest battles New Zealand troops have ever had the misfortune to be involved in: Gallipoli.

Your tasks this week have World War One as a theme. Choose the tasks that will help you understand what this war was all about, and how it affected New Zealand.

  1. Ask your family to talk about what they know about World War 1. Do you have any relatives who went to war at this time? What do you know about them?
  2. Find out about the technology of those times - transport, communication  and weapons in particular. How was it different from today? Make a slide show/poster comparing and contrasting these items. Would modern technology have made a difference to the outcome at Gallipoli? 
  3. Music played a very important part in the lives of troops, and for people back home. Do some research and create a playlist of songs that were popular at that time. Are there common themes to the songs? What are they? Why do you think people wrote about such things?
  4. Write a poem or draw a picture about events at Gallipoli. Do some research on the 'iconic' images that represent those times e.g. the red poppy, and perhaps include them in your work.


School Fields of Remembrance ceremony on Friday.

Auckland War Memorial Museum visit NEXT FRIDAY, MAY 1. We need parent helpers for the occasion. Please return your notice ASAP!

DISCOVERY FRIDAY starts this week. This is your golden opportunity to develop a project on a topic you are passionate about. Your parents may have skills that we can use to help us pursue your dream - carpentry, sewing, computer programming, mechanics, chemistry... Talk to your parents about what we are planning - they just might be able to help, or put us on to someone who can.


  1. WORLD WAR 1

    On the 4 August 1914, Britain declared war on Germany. People in britain
    opened their newspaper the next morning they found out that the war begun.
    War happened because the people were different and unlike each other.
    The battles was taken places in different kinds of countries especially
    France and Belgium.

  2. Thank you, Suin. You have most of the information correct - there was quite a bit more to going to war than being different to each other though. You might need to do a bit more research.

  3. Are we going to we create the playlist in google drive

    1. Hi Lily - I'm not too sure what you're referring to. Talk to me about it tomorrow!

  4. I have done my homework finding about the technology of those times.Its in my inquiry folder an its called Anzac homework.
